Take your trading to the Next Level

Now is the time to become a Consistent, Profitable Trader 

Training Starts

Saturday, November 16th, 2024

Registration limited to first 10 Students

Reserve your spot now!












Become a consistently profitable trader in only 6 weeks

 Small Group Personalized Training

Make 2024
the year you become a “Master Trader”

I am only accepting
10 students

Wondering if the FollowMeTrades.com
Master Trader Boot Camp is for you?

  • YES . . . If having a clearly defined Trading Plan appeals to you
  • YES . . . If you are ready to make consistent profits in your trading
  • YES . . . If you would like to learn the exact trade setups that a Master Trader is profiting from, in his own account, with his own money
  • YES . . . If controlling risk – keeping winners Big and losers small makes sense to you
  • YES . . . If Live Training, in a Small Group, with Personalized Attention from a Master Trader works for you
  • If you aren’t willing or able to study and work hard and bring discipline to your trading…then NO it is probably not a good fit at this time

Master Trader Course Content

Master Trader Course Materials

– Downloadable PDF study guide for each module

– Pre-Recorded Video Training for each module

– Quiz and Answer Key for each module

– Live 60-90 minute training session each week

– Email support for any questions you have

– One-on-one consultation if you desire


In addition to the Master Trader Training Materials, the 10 members of this special Small Group Training Session will get the following bonuses:

My Ichimoku Cloud Training Module – a $249 value

What happens when “East meets West?” Profits Explode!
I teach you how to use Ichimoku and Elliott Wave together for even higher probability and higher Profit

One Year of my Stock and Options Picks – a $1524 value

I give you the trades that I am taking, in my own account, with my own money, the trades that I am profiting from.  1-2 picks each week with EXACT entry, stop and target prices.

Just one of these trades could very well pay for the entire course!

Training on picking the best Option Contract – a $497 value

Once you have found a great Stock Trade Setup, I teach you how to pick the absolute best Option Contract for Maximum Profit and Minimal Risk

One-on-One Mentoring Session – a $1000 value

After the Small Group Sessions are complete, you can schedule a One-on-One Mentoring Session with Dean Jenkins for personalized coaching .

One Full Year of Ongoing Support – a $1000 value

After the Small Group Sessions are complete, you have access to Dean Jenkins for any questions you have or help that you need.

“Alumni” Access to all Future Training Sessions – a $ Priceless!

After you complete the Master Trader Small Group Training, you will be invited to sit in on all future sessions for refresher training or just to see the concepts applied to current markets and trades.

“Dividend Trading Course” – $ 997

My newest course “How to get paid to own the RIGHT stocks, long-term”

Here is everything you get with this Special Master Trader Small Group Training:

Master Trader Training Materials – $497 value

Ichimoku Cloud Training Module – $249 value

One Year of My Stock and Option Picks – $1524 value

Option Training – $497 value

Dividend Trading Course – $997 value

Live Training in Six Small Group Sessions – $1800 value

One Hour One-on-One Mentoring Session – $1000 value

One Year of Questions and Support – $1000 value

Lifetime “Alumni” invitation to all future classes – Priceless!

Total value of all that is included = $7564

*All training is recorded – you have lifetime access to course materials and recordings

I am offering this complete package, for just

$2497 – A 65% Discount!

Reserve Your Spot Now!

Just $97 Initial Payment

You will only be charged the $2400 balance

AFTER I achieve $2497 P/L in Live Trades

Next Classes Start

Saturday, 11/16/2024

Register now and you will have INSTANT access to the training material and will be able to begin studying immediately – before the live sessions begin.

Registration limited to first 10 Students

Course Schedule:

Sessions are held each Saturday at 8 AM PST (11:00 AM EST)

Sessions are recorded in case you miss any

Session One: Saturday, 11/16/2024 Module One – Introduction, Reading Price Action and Dow Theory

Session Two: Saturday, 11/23/2024 Module Two – Elliott Wave

Session Three: Saturday, 11/30/2024 Module Three – Risk Management

Session Four: Saturday, 12/7/2024 Module Four – Ichimoku Cloud, Trading Rules and Setups

Session Five: Saturday, 12/14/2024  Modules Five and Six – Psychology, Tracking Results.

Session Six: Saturday, 12/21/2024  Scanning for trades and Options Training

Bonus Session: Saturday, 12/28/2024  Dividend Trading: How to find great dividend investments

All training sessions are recorded.  If you can’t make a session, you can watch the recording any time you like.
*You have lifetime access to all course materials and recordings.

Recent Student Testimonials:

“Love the Masters program…I have learned a TON – like drinking from a fire hose – but it all makes sense. I really like the way you present and cover the material and keep an ADHD OCD bi-polar guy like me attentive to what you are saying and doing. Really good stuff!”
Scott, Florida

“The Course is terrific. Concise and to the point.  Dean’s delivery is excellent, materials are excellent!”
David, Boston

“Dean delivered an easy, fun course. This may just have concluded my seeking of a trading system in the last three years. It is the best I ever taken in trading.”
Padraic, Washington D.C.

“Awesome course! Dean…I really appreciate the depth and breadth of your knowledge and support.”
Evan, New York

“What Dean teaches is not well explained at other places.  Believe-me, I have been to more than 50 different webinars run by different traders.  Dean has a way that’s unique and I really got to learn lot! I have been part of Dean’s training’s and stocks pick service for 1 year now. He has a fantastic ability to bring together people, cultivate a sharing, learning environment and ensure all get real value out of his events. He has a real depth of knowledge about trading, as well as the ability to work at the level you are at and I would recommend his courses and events to new and experienced traders alike.”
Pavlos, Dubai

“Yes!  An excellent simple strategy that enables you to trade effectively.”
Bob, Indiana

“Dean is calm and organized and has tremendous knowledge. His teaching is clear and to the point. He responds to emails with helpful information.”
Karen, Florida

“Dean’s expert knowledge made option trading a reality for me. I now trade my retirement account and have complete control of my assets not some investment firm.”
George, USA

“It’s been great. I certainly have a lot to learn however, you shed light on many techniques that I was not aware of. Learning Elliott wave is fascinating.”
Samuel, Florida


Drop us a note.  We’d love to hear from you and we will respond promptly!